Terms & Conditions

This is a general terms and conditions for everyone using the products and services of Cybertruss. Be it its web services, physical products, etc It is important for all users to note that, cybertruss has various products and services which they offer via various domain and subdomain The terms and conditions varies from one domain to another In order to simplify things for our users and improve user's experience. Cybertruss is using a single signon via its subdomain accounts.cybertruss.com. When you signup under any domain or subdomain under cybertruss, your account is being created under accounts.cybertruss.com. Users information, editions, security configuration can only be done under accounts.cybertruss.com

YOU AGREE THAT WHENEVER YOU LOGIN INTO ANY CYBERTRUSS DOMAIN OR SUB DOMAIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOUND IN THOSE DOMAIN. If you do not agree do not login to these services. Logging in to one service does not automatically logs you in to other services. You must login separately to each of the services with the same username and password. Visiting our websites does not bind you to the ageement but loging in and activating a service or buying any products binds you to the terms and services. The terms and services varies from one website to the other and can be found in the URLS below.

Cloud Services Terms & Conditions
Apps Store Terms & Conditions
Store Terms & Conditions
EasiCash Terms & Conditions
Learn Terms & Conditions
Smartfone Terms & Conditions